Tag: Christopher Gandrud

Democratically elected politicians tend to push the cost of financial crises to the future in order to avert unpopularity

Democratically elected politicians tend to push the cost of financial crises to the future in order to avert unpopularity

Autocracies have traditionally been thought more spendthrift than democracies which manage money prudently in order to maintain favour with the public to whom they are accountable. But is this true? According to Christopher Gandrud and Mark Hallerberg, not necessarily, as politicians in democratic polities are more likely to push the costs to the future rather […]

The ‘rule of thumb’ that left-wing parties cause inflation is probably bogus – and has democratic implications

The ‘rule of thumb’ that left-wing parties cause inflation is probably bogus – and has democratic implications

Do left-wing parties really cause inflation? And do right-wing parties really cause low inflation, but high unemployment? These well-worn tropes are influential in elections, but do they hold up? Research by Christopher Gandrud and Cassandra Grafström suggests that the former does not, even if political debate continues to factor it in.  Similar PostsDemocratically elected politicians tend to push the […]