Tag: Stuart White

Who invented the British dream of a ‘property-owning democracy’?

Who invented the British dream of a ‘property-owning democracy’?

Younger Britons can often no longer afford to buy their own home. The model of the ‘property-owning democracy’ is under threat. But where did the concept come from? Matthew Francis explains how it was first adopted by a Conservative MP in 1923 in an effort to address the post-First World War disparity between people’s social and political rights […]

Taking democracy seriously demands that we identify and address the danger of oligarchy

Taking democracy seriously demands that we identify and address the danger of oligarchy

Republican political theory has undergone a renaissance in recent years. Philip Pettit and Quentin Skinner have identified a certain understanding of liberty as central to republicanism and Pettit argues that we must make democratic institutions ‘contestatory’ to secure liberty in this sense. John McCormick, drawing on Machiavelli, argues that we need to be alert to […]