Tag: Simon McMahon

Young people feel distant from the ‘pale, male and stale’ political class, but are eager for change

Young people feel distant from the ‘pale, male and stale’ political class, but are eager for change

The General Election showed further evidence of young people’s disengagement from politics, with turnout continuing to lag behind older voters. But does this mean that young people don’t care? Simon McMahon and Jessica Allen argue that this is not the case, and that distance from the political class should not be equated with disinterest of […]

The debate on accountability of public service partnerships needs to be evidence based

The debate on accountability of public service partnerships needs to be evidence based

The Democratic Audit blog has previously carried articles on government outsourcing by Stephen Wilks and Dan Silver – who argued that the government policy in this area has real implications for democracy. In response, Simon Parker of the New Local Government Network said that opponents of outsourcing were fighting the last war. Here, in response to Parker, Simon […]