Tag: Jonathan Portes

The Troubled Families Programme: 120,000 families stigmatised, millions squandered, and no accountability

The Troubled Families Programme: 120,000 families stigmatised, millions squandered, and no accountability

The Troubled Families Programme targeted around 120,000 ‘problem’ families at a cost of £440m in its first phase – but a review published this week found it had no significant or systematic benefit on problems like offending, truanting, joblessness or benefit receipt. Jonathan Portes says the government not only redefined disadvantaged families as antisocial and dysfunctional, […]

What would UK immigration policy look like after Brexit?

What would UK immigration policy look like after Brexit?

What impact would Britain leaving the EU have on UK immigration policy? Jonathan Portes writes that exiting the EU would not be a magic solution to immigration problems. For a start, the UK would have to accept an exit from the single market and make alternative plans. He argues that difficult policy questions would still remain, […]