Tag: Luke Temple

To fend off populism, we must stop believing in the will of the People

To fend off populism, we must stop believing in the will of the People

Populists rely on an idea of the people as a single, united force. Unfortunately, argues Luke Temple, traditional conceptions of democracy itself depend on a very similar notion. Unity and concordance is prized. This makes it difficult to challenge the underlying basis of populists’ arguments. But there is another way of understanding democracy – as […]

In a divided Britain, the pro-EU movement will have to be clear about what it wants

In a divided Britain, the pro-EU movement will have to be clear about what it wants

The Brexit vote has thrown different conceptions of democracy into sharp relief. Some are horrified at the conduct of the referendum campaign; others see the result as the revealed will of the people. Luke Temple uses tweets from the March for Europe event on 3 September to show how these views clash. He concludes that the pro-EU movement needs a clear aim if […]

We should be boosting the BBC’s role in public life, not eroding it

We should be boosting the BBC’s role in public life, not eroding it

Newspaper endorsements and biased ‘reporting’ in the run-up to the general election indicate clearly at the democratic failings of a large part of our free press. It therefore becomes clear that, whatever funding ideas are thrown up by the new Conservative government, we should be boosting the future role the BBC plays in public life, not going […]