Tag: Adam Evans

Don’t expect meaningful fiscal devolution for Wales any time soon

Don’t expect meaningful fiscal devolution for Wales any time soon

The debate about the appropriate level of fiscal autonomy for Wales in the wake of the publication the Silk Commission rumbles on. But while it once looked likely that the Welsh Assembly Government would gain meaningful tax raising and spending powers, the prospects are now less bright. Adam Evans argues that a deadly concoction of political incompetence […]

Welsh incremental devolution: history repeats itself, first as tragedy then as tax?

Welsh incremental devolution: history repeats itself, first as tragedy then as tax?

The possibility of significant tax devolution to the Welsh National Assembly appears to be an increasingly remote prospect. In the latest post of Democratic Audit’s Future of the Union series, Adam Evans argues that Financial Competence Orders, a system for devolving taxation, should become the focus for Welsh devolutionists. Similar PostsDon’t expect meaningful fiscal devolution for […]